Why Not Us?


Why Not Us?

History has left too many disenfranchised identities without seats at the table and tools to shatter glass ceilings. Life often feels like a game of catch-up when compared to the starts of our privileged peers. Though, not the first industry boom to happen in recent decades, the legal cannabis business is finally something that we can be apart of from ground zero. For once there is an almost level playing field, ironically, in an industry who’s product has (and still does) ravaged communities. Legal medical marijuana has created an economic opportunity and, most importantly, foundation for all of us! We can discard the “What If’s”, and embrace the “Why Not?”.

Why not us?

Marijuana Law is changing rapidly across the United States; it’s important to be aware of every development, not only on the state level, but nationally, as the landscape shifts. With education and compliance being the keys to entrepreneurial longevity, we are dedicated to helping minority and female-led cannabis businesses take root and prosper.

We are dedicated to the Economic Equity in Cannabis.